News Netflix’s new thriller is generating loads of controversy — but viewers can’t stop watching

Fox Tread3

Jun 19, 2023
May 2, 2024 - Oh... shock.. horror! Controversy on social media, or should I use my favorite term for it, unsocial media? Are we in the 1940s or 1950's here? As the late comedian Joan Rivers used to say.. "Oh grow up!":giggle:
There must be some pretty bored people out there that have nothing better to do. Than to make a big deal about the difference in age of two people involved in a romance. Granted there is the question as to whether the relationship is appropriate because it is between a professor and his student. No matter how ill advised it is, relationships like that occur all of the time. As far as age is concerned. Over the past decades I have had relationships with women that were the same age as my adult daughters. Any problems in those those relationships were not based on age, but rather differences in personalities and lifestyles. As far as "Miller's Girl" is concerned. It is possible that the plot really isn't that interesting, thus the low ratings.