Fortnite Battle Royale - 5 Common Myths

There are a lot of myths in the Fortnite Battle Royale that most of the players believe but not all of them are true. So if you want to know some of the most believed myths and their answers, then refer to the content below:
Getting Back to Spawn Island:
There is a rumor going on in the game that a player can get back to the spawn island even after the game is started. Well, with the recent updates, it is true. You can definitely get back to the spawn island but it will be a bit of work. This is because there is a blue wall between you and the island and you need to build high enough to cross it. Use the trolley to cross the wall.

You Can Land Faster than Others:
Well it is true and not true at the same time. It is true if you know some things about landing that others don’t but if they know these things as well, then you are not going to land faster than them. The thing is that you can land faster if you are doing two things, jumping one and a half square before your target area then diving towards it and avoiding high terrain as they tend to open your glider before the time.

You Can Run Faster Without a Gun:
This is totally false. It doesn’t matter which type of weapon you are holding or if you are holding an axe, you will run with the same speed. Whether you hold a minigun or a pistol, your speed of running will be same.

You Can’t Kill Downed Player in the Loot Lake:
There is nothing worse than not getting the satisfaction of killing the downed enemy. And that tends to happen with most of the players in Fortnite especially in the Loot Lake. But, this happens because people believe that a downed player in a lake cannot be shot. Well this is wrong, you can shoot and kill a downed player in a lake as well.

Getting Three Llamas Earn you Special Bonus:
This is completely wrong. It has been going around for some time that getting three llamas will give the players a special bonus. People have done that where they collected three Llamas and nothing happened. Therefore, it is safe to say that this one is completely false and players should drop the idea of getting something after collecting three Llamas.

These are some of the myths that have been build up by players in the game and should be busted as there is no truth behind these.