Getting cover in Fortnite Battle Royale is highly critical as you will need to save yourself from other players who are out there with better weapons and skills. You can then only defeat them if you have cover. So to know how to utilize the natural surroundings as cover, read the tips below:
The Terrain is Critical:
When you are playing Fortnite, your core focus is on building your own structure and getting cover from them. While this is a good approach and you will learn to build quickly as well, you need to use natural resources as well. There are two reasons behind that. The first one is that you will get an instant cover. You will not have to select and build a structure and wait for it to get full health. Secondly, you will save resources.

You can just use the natural structures like tree or rocks and even cars or trucks to hide and fight with your enemy, and when you are done, you can harvest some resources from the same structure. So that way, you are getting a double benefit from a single structure. Now it may not be ideal in all cases like when you are not near a structure but if you find yourself close to a natural structure run towards it to get cover.
Benefit from TPS (Third Person Shooter)
Fortnite Battle Royale is a TPS game meaning it is a third person shooter game where you can see your player. Now, this is a great feature because you can then see the areas that are impossible to see in the First Person view. For instance, if you are getting cover behind a natural structure to let’s say a large tree, you can swivel your mouse to the right to see the left side area that is on the other side of the tree. You can do the same by swiveling your mouse to the left. This will help you know the location of your enemy.

Keep An Eye On Storm:
This usually happens in the end game when you are hiding in a bush or behind a rock or tree and storm shrinks and goes past you leaving you outside of the storm. Now you will have to run to the center and that can get you killed. So, see if the hiding area is close to the storm because if it is, you will be forced to come out of your cover soon. And only choose the area that is at a distance from the storm at the end game.

Beware of Vantage Points:
This is a critical one. You see when you are hiding behind structures like rocks, cars or small trees; you are left wide open from the top. So if there is a player who is at a height from you, he will be able to shoot you down clearly. So it is suggested that you don’t go for natural cover if you are fighting an enemy with a vantage point.

These are some of the tips that one should keep in mind when they are in need of a cover. Just follow them and get better at getting cover.