Fortnite Battle Royale - Week 1 Challenges Guide for Season 4

The Season 4 has started and with it, the weekly challenges too. This guide is for the first week’s challenges. This will help you get the challenges done as quickly as possible. I have written this guide to cut down your time in searching and figuring out things, especially the chests. So let’s get started with the week 1 challenges guide:

Deal Damage to Opponents with Sniper Rifle:
This one is pretty obvious, but the main concern is to bag a sniper rifle. So for that, just play the game like you normally do and gather as much loot as you can, maybe you end up with a sniper. Another way is to chase enemies with snipers at them, kill them and get the weapon. Now you only need to deal 500 damage with it so no need to kill the target.

Search the Chests in Haunted Hills:
Get their as fast as you can, either land there or get there as soon as the match begins. Once you have reached there, start scouring for as many chests as you can, remember you need to search 7 chests to be exact. Ignore the combat and completely focus on opening as many chests as you can.

Use Port-a-Fort:
Pretty obvious again, just play the game as you do, keep an eye out for port-a-forts. And as soon as you get one, I suggest you use it immediately. This because you may never know if someone kills you before you get a chance to use it.

Search the Letters F-O-R-T-N-I-T-E:
If you are on this challenge and are wondering where those letters are, then don’t worry. I am here to help you find them. As a matter of fact, I have prepared a map with locations where you will find these letters. Remember, you will get the letters in order meaning that once you find “F” you will find “O” in all of these locations.

Follow Treasure Map in Tomato Town:
Well, this one can be a tough challenge as you will need to first head to Tomato town and then find a map there. Then you will need to follow the map to the treasure. So instead of doing that, I will tell you the exact location of Treasure. Just open the map and then go to the right bottom corner of E4 on the map. You will find the treasure there.

Pistol Eliminations:
This one is going to be hard unless you literally are John Wick. What you need to do is eliminate opponents with a pistol. Now the good thing is that there is no requirement for a particular pistol. So what I would suggest is that you use the hand cannon or the suppressed pistol as these are very solid weapons. Kill 3 opponents and you are good to go.

Kill Opponents in the Flush Factory:
Well, this is also a tough one as there are not many players wandering around there. But, since this is a challenge and everybody will try to go there to find enemies, you can also find some opponents. Just make sure to complete this one as quickly as possible.

This is it guys, this guide is all you need to complete the challenges of the first week and advance to the second week. Don’t worry, I’ll be back with the guide of the 2nd week as well. So in the meantime, follow this guide.