There are many unique tems for sale on Etsy. Although individual stores and Etsy users sell the items, it is easy to purchase an item from the site. To buy items from Etsy, you just have to follow these steps:
Step 1:
The first step is to search for items on Etsy. Once you have selected something you wish to purchase, simply click the Add to Cart button on the listing page. Some items may have additional selection options, such as size, color, or shape. You will be prompted to make those selections before you add the item to your cart. You can add items from multiple Etsy shops to your cart before you checkout.
Step 2:
When you are done shopping, go to your cart. Once you are in your cart, you will be asked to select where you want to ship the item or items. You can enter a new address or select one from your Etsy account. You can also change the quantity of your order, when applicable.
Step 3:
Review your order. If it is correct, press Proceed to Checkout. You will be asked to select the payment methods. If you purchase items from multiple stores, you might have to select different payment options. Once you have entered your payment information, press Continue.
Step 4:
Review the order. If it is correct, then press Submit Order. You should receive a confirmation email shortly.
To make a purchase on Etsy, simply find an item you like and add it to your cart. Once you are done shopping, select checkout. Enter your address and payment information and click Submit Order.
Note: There are many different sellers on Etsy, each providing service and goods of varying quality. Be sure to research the seller before you buy!

Step 1:
The first step is to search for items on Etsy. Once you have selected something you wish to purchase, simply click the Add to Cart button on the listing page. Some items may have additional selection options, such as size, color, or shape. You will be prompted to make those selections before you add the item to your cart. You can add items from multiple Etsy shops to your cart before you checkout.
Step 2:
When you are done shopping, go to your cart. Once you are in your cart, you will be asked to select where you want to ship the item or items. You can enter a new address or select one from your Etsy account. You can also change the quantity of your order, when applicable.
Step 3:
Review your order. If it is correct, press Proceed to Checkout. You will be asked to select the payment methods. If you purchase items from multiple stores, you might have to select different payment options. Once you have entered your payment information, press Continue.
Step 4:
Review the order. If it is correct, then press Submit Order. You should receive a confirmation email shortly.
To make a purchase on Etsy, simply find an item you like and add it to your cart. Once you are done shopping, select checkout. Enter your address and payment information and click Submit Order.
Note: There are many different sellers on Etsy, each providing service and goods of varying quality. Be sure to research the seller before you buy!