How to Connect Jawbone UP24 with Apple’s Health App

Not all smartphone apps are about games and business; some are dedicated to helping people get healthier and fitter, such as Apple’s Health App. There are also several wearable trackers on the market that collect and show fitness and health data such as performing sleep analysis, calories burned, number of steps walked, and other related data. One such wearable tracker is Jawbone’s UP24, which is a wearable tracker situated in a wristband, and users wear the device and it collects and uploads data to the site. Jawbone’s UP24 can be connected to Apple’s Health App, so just follow these simple instructions to learn how to do so.

1. Health App Sources- Tap the Apple Health App icon to open the app. Once the app is open, tap Sources and then tap on the UP app. If the UP app is not visible in sources, go to step 3.

2. Options- You will see some options when you tap on the UP app from the Sources menu. One of these is a toggle switch saying “Allow UP to update for both step and sleep data”. Flick the toggle switch to the ON position.

3. UP not shown in Sources- If the UP app isn’t shown in the Sources menu of the Apple Health App, tap the UP icon on your device to open the UP app. Go to Settings and tap on Health Access.

4. Toggle Switches- You will see a couple of toggle switches, namely “Connect to UP” and “Allow UP to write data”. Flick both of these toggle switches to the ON position to connect the apps together.