1. He’s going the distance- You can get a wickedly high score by doing those shaved hair passes, but traveling far is one key to lots of extra cash.
2. He’s going for speed- Go fast. Simple as that. Keep your speedometer over 100 kmh for as long as you can to stack up on dollars.
3. English driving- If you can do a long ride in the wrong lane, you’re going the right way to building your bank.
4. Short attention span- Traffic Racer shares a common trait with many games in that you can watch short video ads for
money. You get 500 cash for every video you watch.
5. Social Media- It is a bonus you can collect only once, but if you Like Traffic Racer on Facebook and Follow Traffic Racer on Twitter, that’s an easy $2,000 ($1,000 each) in the bank and you didn’t even have to race.