1. Entering the game- Tap the SongPop icon on your device to open the game and log in.
2. Challenges- Challenge other players or accept challenges against you in a particular genre. Your goal is to get more
correct answers or in the event of a tie, be faster at getting the answer.
3. Coins through challenges- When you win a challenge against an opponent, you get 3 coins. If you lose a challenge, you
get 1 coin. This is the same whether you are the one who issued the challenge or had one issued against you. Tip: When
issuing challenges, select genres you know well on the chance that your opponent doesn’t.
4. Daily spin- There is a daily spin where you have a chance at winning more coins.
5. Purchases- You can purchase coins with real money.
6. Free Coins- You can get coins for free by completing offers, such as downloading other apps. Be careful to only download apps that you trust.
7. Facebook- If you connect to Facebook, you will receive coins.