How to Hunt Ghosts in The Sims FreePlay

One of the more... interesting hobbies on The Sims FreePlay is that of ghost hunting. Only adult sims can become ghost hunters. There is a variety of ghost hunting levels once your sims become a ghost hunter. Here are the steps to take to have your sims become a ghost hunter.

Step 1
To hunt ghosts in The Sims FreePlay, you first must have taken up the hobby of ghost hunting. Only adults can become ghost hunters. If you are not at that life stage yet you cannot become a ghost hunter.

Step 2
Add haunted items to a home. Go to the home store and acquire these haunted items marked by a little red ghost.

Step 3
Take your sim to the house with the haunted items and select “Hunt for Ghosts.” Some time will pass before your sim will appear with a red ghost above its head.

Step 4
Tap the red ghost bubble above your sims head. The ghost will try to escape. Tap it three times to receive XP and a reward for collecting the ghost.

Your sim will progress through the different levels and have different ghosts to collect. Each offers a different bonus and reward. Once your sim has collected a ghost, there is no reward or bonus for collecting the same ghost again. If your sim does not start a new collection, the sim could face a ghost that it has already captured. Be aware of this as your sim advances through the various levels of play.