How to Improve Windows 8 Laptop System Performance

Microsoft had a huge blunder a few years ago with the Windows Vista operating system, which is wasn't exactly well-liked. Since then, though, Microsoft has bounced back with Windows 7 and 8, both solid operating systems that offer reliable performance and strong computing experience. If you do find yourself struggling with performance issues on your Windows 8 laptop, though, use the steps listed below to help grease the edges of the OS a bit.

Step 1: Windows 8 uses a number of “visual effects” to provide a slick and unique computing experience, but they can actually slow down your system—especially if you upgraded a Windows 7 machine to a Windows 8 OS.

To turn off some of these visual fireworks, pull up the charms menu on your computer and do a search for “adjust visual effects.” Select the search results under “Settings,” then choose “Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.” From there, you’ll be able to customize the visual settings for your system.

Step 2: Run the disc defragmenter frequently, particularly if you are someone who creates, uses, or saves a lot of files in any given week. Writers or people who listen to a lot of music should especially follow this step. Try scheduling a weekly defrag, and see how it affects your system performance.

To schedule defragmenting, search “defrag” from your charms menu. Select the defragment program, check “Run on a schedule,” and select “Weekly” as the chosen frequency. Your system will now be defragmented once a week, which should do a lot to keep it running smoothly.


From deleting files when your hard drive begins to get full, to not leaving applications running when you aren’t using them, there are plenty of other ways to boost the performance of your Windows 8 laptop. The two methods described above, however, are some of the most effective methods and should be near the top of your list.