Android is an extremely popular mobile operating system. If you have a Kindle Fire, you may want to install Android on it for a great, customizable experience. If you don't know how to put Android on your Kindle Fire don't worry - we have all of the steps below. We used Android Kitkat.
Warning: Do this at your own risk. Mistakes could lead you to brick your tablet.
Before you start the process you should fulfill all the requirements stated below.
• A rooted Kindle Fire
• Over 70% battery power
• Custom recovery installed on the tablet (Teamwin recovery or higher should be good )
• Back up your data!
1. Download the ROM file from the link - https
/, & the Gipps file from the link – http
/ They’ll be in ZIP format. You can download both files to your Kindle directly or download them in your PC then copy them to your Kindle’s internal SD card folder.
2. After downloading/copying the files to your Kindle, turn it off.
3. Reboot the kindle into ‘Recovery mode’. To do this you should turn it on first & when you see this -
‘Kindle Fire blue logo’ screen then hold the power button again until this screen -
comes up and release the button immediately. It will automatically boot into recovery.
4. Once you’ve booted into recovery, tap on ‘wipe’.
5. Then Swipe the button to do a ‘Factory reset’. This may erase all the data from your kindle.
6. Once the factory rest is done, tap on ‘Back’ to return to the menu
7. Tap on ‘Install’.
8. Navigate to the files you have downloaded/copied earlier.
9. First install the ‘cm11’ file by tapping on it.
10. And swipe the button to confirm flash, wait till it’s done.
11. Once it’s done, tap on ‘back’ button on the upper right corner.
12. Now install the Gipps file in the same process and wait until its done.
13. Once it’s done, tap on ‘Reboot system’.
14. For the first time it will take awhile. Don't panic.
15. After booting normally, it will ask you to select your preferred language, select language and tap on next.
16. Skip the next few screens by pressing either ‘Next’ or ‘Skip’.
17. From the last screen tap on Finish to complete the set up.
18. Tap on ‘ok’ from the next two screens. And, congratulations, you got Android Kitkat on your Kindle Fire!
19. To check go to Settings> About phone & tap multiple times on the ‘Android version’ option, then you will see the Android Kitkat logo on the screen.
Warning: Do this at your own risk. Mistakes could lead you to brick your tablet.
Before you start the process you should fulfill all the requirements stated below.
• A rooted Kindle Fire
• Over 70% battery power
• Custom recovery installed on the tablet (Teamwin recovery or higher should be good )
• Back up your data!
1. Download the ROM file from the link - https

2. After downloading/copying the files to your Kindle, turn it off.
3. Reboot the kindle into ‘Recovery mode’. To do this you should turn it on first & when you see this -

4. Once you’ve booted into recovery, tap on ‘wipe’.

5. Then Swipe the button to do a ‘Factory reset’. This may erase all the data from your kindle.

6. Once the factory rest is done, tap on ‘Back’ to return to the menu
7. Tap on ‘Install’.

8. Navigate to the files you have downloaded/copied earlier.
9. First install the ‘cm11’ file by tapping on it.

10. And swipe the button to confirm flash, wait till it’s done.

11. Once it’s done, tap on ‘back’ button on the upper right corner.
12. Now install the Gipps file in the same process and wait until its done.

13. Once it’s done, tap on ‘Reboot system’.

14. For the first time it will take awhile. Don't panic.
15. After booting normally, it will ask you to select your preferred language, select language and tap on next.

16. Skip the next few screens by pressing either ‘Next’ or ‘Skip’.

17. From the last screen tap on Finish to complete the set up.

18. Tap on ‘ok’ from the next two screens. And, congratulations, you got Android Kitkat on your Kindle Fire!

19. To check go to Settings> About phone & tap multiple times on the ‘Android version’ option, then you will see the Android Kitkat logo on the screen.