How to Recommend a LinkedIn Connection

If you have ever hired an employee and liked their work, you can recommend the person on LinkedIn if they are one of your connections.

When you recommend a person on LinkedIn, your recommendation is displayed on their LinkedIn profile that can be viewed by all of his/her connections and the people who visit their profile.

When recommending someone on LinkedIn, you can also add a brief description to let their profile visitors know about skills the recommended person possesses, and other positive points, strengths and weaknesses that the person may have.

Here is how you can recommend any of your LinkedIn connections:

    ■Sign in to your LinkedIn account using your favorite web browser.
    ■On the Home page that comes up, hover mouse over the Accounts & Settings icon (icon with the profile pic) at the top-right corner.
    ■From the expanded list, click the Review link representing Privacy & Settings.

    ■If prompted, provide your credentials to log in again.
    ■On the opened page, Ensure that the Profile tab is selected from the lower-left section.
    ■Under the Helpful Links section, click the Manage your recommendations link from the bottom.

    ■On the next interface, under the Make a recommendation section, in the Name field, enter the name of the person who you want to recommend.
    ■Alternatively, you can also click the Select from your connections list link below the Name field to pick a contact.
    ■Once done, click to select the radio button representing the relationship between you and the recommended person.

10. Click Continue to proceed.

11. Under the Create your recommendation section, populate the fields with the accurate details in order to create a recommendation.
12. Finally, click the Send button at the bottom to recommend the selected person.