How to Search a Mac with Alfred

Alfred is an alternative to Spotlight, which is used to search a Mac for files or apps. The free app is easy to use, and if you follow these simple steps, you’ll be searching with Alfred in no time.

1. Installation- Go to the App Store or search and download. Follow the instructions for downloading and installation.

2. Opening Alfred- Open the Alfred app to begin the search. You can bring up the search bar with a hotkey. The default combination is Command+Space, but you can go here to learn how to change it.

3. Simple typing- Begin typing the name of the app you want to find. Alfred instantly finds suggestions based on the letters you type in and numbers the results. If your desired app is the first on the list, strike the Return key. If you see it listed below the first result, strike the Command key and the number of the result listed.

4. More than searching- Alfred has greater capabilities than just quickly finding apps to launch. It can search without launching the search engine, can get to emails quickly, and has other customizable features like searching for favorite sites based on keywords. Just start typing and see what comes up!