One of the common warnings the users encounter is the ‘low signal strength’ warning, which when unresolved will lead to severe video playback issues. You must try out all ways of enhancing the signal strength such as moving the router to few distances as well about the usage of HDMI extender cable.
You can get access to the streaming video, audio, and music from the internet. In order to achieve successful streaming, you will need a good network connection from your router your Roku player. The signal strength plays a very important role in preventing any video playback issues. Here’s how you can solve the ‘Low Signal Strength’ message.
From the Roku Player
Step 1
When your Roku player finds the low signal strength you will find either of the following messages. It will ask you to move the wireless router or the player to the different place as it can impact the signal strength. Even moving the router to small distances can increase the signal strength to a great extent.
Step 2
The other option provided to the user for low signal strength is that an HDMI cable extension that enhances the signal strength. You can press ‘OK’ button after the suggestion of HDMI cable is provided. You can try getting a new HDMI cable for better signal strength.
Step 3
If you still find the low signal strength message, you can try moving away from the stick away from the TV using the free HDMI extender cable.
The HDMI extender cable helps in enhancing the signal strength thereby preventing the delays in video transmission in your Roku device.
You can now solve the low signal strength error message by following these instructions.