Search for Images on the Web via Facebook Messenger

In addition to allowing you to record and send audio and video clips to your Facebook friends, Facebook Messenger also lets you search the web for images and send pictures to your contacts.

Here is how you can search the web for images, and send the pictures to your Facebook contacts using Facebook Messenger:

    ■Turn on your Android smartphone.
    ■Tap the menu icon to display the apps list.

    ■Locate and tap the Messenger app icon to launch Facebook messenger.

    ■On the opened app’s interface, tap the View Contacts button (button with the three horizontal lines) from the top.

    ■On the next interface, ensure that you are on the MESSENGER tab.
    ■From the contacts list under PEOPLE WITH MESSENGER, tap to select the desired contact.

    ■Once the target user is selected, tap the Menu button (button with the three vertical dots) located at the top-right corner.
    ■From the displayed list, tap the Image Search option.

    ■Once this is done, in the Enter your search field, type the keywords related to the image that you want to search.
    ■Tap the Search button from the top-right corner to allow the messenger to start searching for the appropriate images.
    ■Finally, from the displayed search results, tap the image to send the picture.
