A town cannot function properly without medical facilities and Stardew Valley is no exception. Stardew Valley has a hospital and the doctor present there is Harvey who is believed to be the oldest bachelor in Stardew Valley. He is known for being a kind and compassionate person who loves helping people. He is responsible for checking up on every resident and providing the healthcare that they deserve.
Harvey’s Schedule:
Harvey is one of those special characters whose schedule depends on the season. Here is a detailed list of his schedule divided by the seasons.
Spring: Harvey works in the clinic from 9 am to noon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays. He leaves to go for a walk but returns at 5:30 pm to go inside his home which is behind the clinic. He stays in the clinic for the whole day on Tuesday and Thursday. On Friday he goes to the general store and comes back at 3:00 pm to the clinic. He stays home on Saturday.

Summer: His schedule is the same as the one he follows in spring.
Fall: Harvey’s schedule is the same in fall as it is in spring and summer.
Winter: He goes to the Stardrop Saloon on Mondays and Wednesday. He stays at home on Saturday.

Harvey’s Gift Guide:
Since Harvey is a respected doctor and his tastes are particular so be careful what you give him. You can give him Wine, Coffee, Truffle Oil, Pickles, Super Meal, Dandelion, Chanterelle, Duck Feather, Common Mushroom, Winter Root, Purple Mushroom, Snow Yam, Goat Milk, Daffodil, Hazelnut, Duck Egg, Morel, Quartz, Wild Horseradish, Leek, Spring Onion, Large Goat Milk, Holly as well as any Universal Loves and Likes. You should not give him Spice Berry, Coral, Salmonberry, Rainbow Shell, Nautilus or any Universal Hate and Dislike.
Harvey’s Heart Events:
There are 5 different heart events which happen with Harvey. The first event occurs at 2 hearts. You will see the event when you go see George, Harvey is talking to him about changing his lifestyle.

If you side with Harvey you get friendship points. At 4 hearts you trigger a cut scene in the clinic in which Harvey talks about your health and if you answer him properly you can get friendship points. At 6 hearts you will find Harvey dancing with some ladies and if you promise not to tell anyone about it, it increases your friendship level. The 8 heart event is special because it is in the clinic and Harvey is using his radio when comes into contact with a pilot.

He then tells you about his dream of becoming a pilot. The 10 heart event occurs after you are dating and he takes you up in a hot air balloon and confesses his feelings for you.
Harvey is a great choice as a romantic partner because even though he is a little reserved he is much respected in the community and would make a fitting husband for anyone.