There are 8 festivals throughout Stardew Valley and they are all really splendid affairs. There are 2 festivals in each month and they exist so that the player doesn't get bored of farming all the time. They provide light relief because they are all different and have different rewards and challenges. Some are made to show you, the player, how beautiful the game can be. For example, the Jellyfish festival is amazing both because of what the game shows you and the music it plays at that time. It is without a doubt one of the most beautiful events in the whole game as it is the first time that shows you that you've integrated into to the community. Other festivals are different such as the Luau. The Luau happens on the 11th of every Summer. It is a summer festival and it is like a big barbeque that the whole town is involved in.

There is a special event at the festival which is the Potluck Soup. It's a chance to show the town how well you can farm and how good your product is. Here's the whole scoop on what the Soup is and what you can get to make the most of it.

The Potluck Soup is a major part of the festival because the person who first tastes the Soup is the Governor. He comes to Stardew Valley once a year just for this momentous occasion. He tastes the Soup and there are 5 reactions that are possible for this event. He can love it, like it, feel indifferent towards it, dislike it or hate it.
- It works the same way as giving a gift to a character would but in this case it counts as giving a gift to ALL the villagers as the Governor's reaction affects your friendship with every villager present.

- If he likes the Soup you'll get 120 points of friendship with everyone, if he likes it you'll earn 60 points, if he stays neutral then you'll neither earn nor lose points, if he dislikes it you'll lose 50 points and if he hates it then you'll lose 100 points.

- You can also choose to add nothing to the Soup and if you do that the Governor will say that it is missing something.
- Now that we've established the possibilities let's talk about what to add and what not to in the Soup. You should put in Super Cucumber, Truffle, Goat’s Milk, Mutant Carp, Artichoke, Chanterelle, Mead, Angler, Pale Ale, Catfish, Melon, Lava Eel, Cheese, Sturgeon, Goat Cheese, Large Milk, Ice Pip, Starfruit, Glacierfish, Legend, Fairy Rose, Mead, Purple Mushroom, Red Cabbage, Yam and every Wine except for BlackBerry and Salmonberry Wine. All these items need to be the Gold or Iridium quality, anything less will provoke a negative reaction.
You should not put in Blackberry, Spring Onion, Crocus, Anchovy, Sweet Pea, Carp, Salmonberry, Daffodil, Green Algae, White Algae, Field Snack, Joja Cola, Seaweed, Herring, Sea Cucumber, Pufferfish, Scorpion Carp, Holly, Sap, or Red Mushroom as all these items will either make the Governor dislike the Soup or hate it.