Recent content by 51l3n5t

  1. 5

    Amazon Supports Internet Sales Tax (What the...?)

    internetladas much as people moan about sales tax, Internet based sales are booming and that means less business for brick-and-mortar stores that do charge the tax.Everybody wants to moan about the recession.... For a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a...
  2. 5

    Sony Hints PS4 Won't Arrive Much Later Than Xbox 720

    chomleeIf they can get the graphics on the 720 or PS4 to be equivalent to the unreal3 engine demo, I am in. Regardless of whatever platform you are planning to use, It's exciting to see the quality of gaming in the next jump in gaming graphics. ....What next generation? Do you think 720/PS4...