Recent content by __-_-_-__

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    PS Vita Now Outselling Wii U in Japan

    so... how much sony paid toms for this stupid, biased and misleading article?
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    Developer Creating Glass OS that Google Can't Control

    I fail to see what these glasses are any different from a common smarthphone. just because you wear it on your face? if people complain as being an invasion of privacy then having a cell phone pointing at something should also be prohibited. it's a nonsense.
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    Your Password is At Risk if you Use Tumblr for iOS

    correction: your passwords are at risk if you use ios.
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    WhatsApp Will Charge $.99 Yearly Fee on iPhone Too

    fortunately there's a ton of free and better alternatives. only morons will buy it.
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    Rockstar Releases New Gameplay Trailer for GTA V

    it will be the game of the year. amazing trailer. wait... no pc support. no tkx then.
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    Google Glass User Films Arrest with Build-in Camera

    why is this any news? you can buy $50 glasses on ebay that film on HD with much greater quality and battery life.
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    Numerous Paid iPhone and iPad Apps Have Gone Free

    we need a new section on toms called the icrap news. in that way tomsguide and tomshardware will actually be enjoyable to read.
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    Video: Russian Rocket Explodes Over Kazakhstan

    had 3 glonass satellites inside... I guess there was a failure in the guiding system :p
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    Video: Russian Rocket Explodes Over Kazakhstan

    had 3 glonass satellites inside... I guess there was a failure in the guiding system :p
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    Ubisoft Hacked, User Accounts Compromised

    "Obviously, if they get hold of the 'key' then that's another matter (but maybe allows for more trackability for such investigations). " how it would allow more trackability? it wouldn't. encrypted passwords can be cracked.
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    Kodak Had a Nuclear Reactor in NY for Nearly 30 Years

    think like this, an x-ray machine emits more radiation then that reactor. nothing to see here.
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    Is Growing LTE Availability an Increasing Security Threat?

    being in a country with 95% 4G coverage since some years ago I can honestly say that this article is a piece of crap and that there's no security threat increase whatsoever compared to for example, 3G.
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    Samsung Now the Proud Owner of mSpot Music Service

    My ISP has a service that for 3€ a month you can stream any music to any device, smartphone, pc, tv, tablets etc. any music from their catalogue that has millions of titles. for 5€ you can stream TV too. This mSpot sounds stupid. Anyway can make a simple server for streaming from pc. Actually...
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    Samsung's 55-inch OLED to Launch Before End of Year

    I really don't care about 3D but that dual view thing seams amazing. the only thing missing is the sound. I mean, for 9k you would expect great speakers... sure you can(?) add some if you like. who has 9k for a display also has money to buy great speakers. and good speakers can cost a lot more...
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    Fuel Cell USB Charger Can Keep Your Phone On for 2 Weeks

    "holds up to fourteen charges for a phone" yeah... very accurate measure. -.- what about mah?