I'm a student going into University fall 2017 for Computer Science/ Game Development. I need a laptop to work alongside my beefier tower computer. I've got a list of possible laptops and I just want feedback about what laptop you would choose and why.
Here's what I'm looking to use it for...
I'm not 100% on these headphones. Having a mic and being wireless is nice and all, but you have to sacrifice something to actually get it to work. I just want headphones for sound. I feel like I could get better headphone sound quality if I ditch the mic and wireless for the same price.
Looking for some headphones around $100 (Canadian dollars)
I don't know much about headphones, but I think I want some good bass-ey headphones just for home use.
Here are some headphones I was thinking about
And please only put Canadian links (like amazon.ca). Headphones get a lot more...