Recent content by Anatoliy Dragan

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    Question how to wake up Lenovo ideapad 320 from BIOS

    hello how to set up wake up lenovo ideapad 320 from BIOS? If possible
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    Hello Everybody.How to find out my Windows Vista>7>10 serial number?

    Hello If on this lap top was in 2008 original Vista with license registration key - so I want to know - if I work with that vista - 7 -10 Windows or with that that I bought on CD? thats all
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    Hello Everybody.How to find out my Windows Vista>7>10 serial number?

    I ve bought laptop toshiba LP 500 in 2008. Sticker very old. I attempt Find SN as in "" but without succes. Is there way find out SN win according to SN Laptop toshiba?
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    replace DVD RW player reader Pioneer for Toshiba

    Hello I have Toshiba laptop L500 T12 from 2008 Now I need to replace PIONEER DVD-RW DVRTD09A ATA Device [Optical drive] Which player-writer come to my old mashine? I ve found “DVR-A09X PIONEER DRIVE DVD/RW 16X CD DVD READ WRITE” But I m not sure if this player has “ATA” connection Thank you
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    Need a replacement for CD-RW/DVD drive for Toshiba Satellite

    Hello I have Toshiba laptop L500 T12 from 2008 Now I need to replace PIONEER DVD-RW DVRTD09A ATA Device [Optical drive] May be somebody could help me? Which player-writer come to my mashine? I ve found “DVR-A09X PIONEER DRIVE DVD/RW 16X CD DVD READ WRITE” But I m not sure if this player is...