Recent content by averagejoe_1984

  1. A

    This Is How Fast Korean Starcraft Players Are

    This is the problem with RTS games. Assuming roughly equivalent knowledge of game mechanics, he who has a faster APM shall win. To make RTS games more appealing, game companies should try to make them more like chess. They should try to make each move more important and less tweakable my...
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    MSFT, Apple, HTC, Google, LG, Moto ALL Get Sued

    The fact that wireless email has been patented shows how utterly insane patent law has become. This type of litigation doesn't help the creators of ideas, producers of products, or consumers of products. It helps only the savvy patent purchasers and the lawyers who litigate on their behalf...
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    Apple: We Can Collect, Share Your Precise Location

    Track my cell phone movement, log it in a permanent database. I'm cool with that. Listen to my phone calls with voice recognizing server farms. I'm cool with that too. How could anyone possibly abuse such information in a more hostile political climate?
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    Filmmaker Personally Tracks Down Movie Pirate

    Ah piracy, the only kind of "theft" where a product can be distributed infinitely with minuscule cost. Aside from piracy "theft", in theft you only get what somebody else has lost. What a greedy culture we have. You may not view/use that infinitely copyable information without paying me a...
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    Supreme Court: Pirate Bay Must Remain Blocked

    Will we passively accept the progressing censorship of the Internet intended to support an obsolete business model for the benefit of multinational corporations? Yes we will, after all we have plenty of bread and circuses to keep us divorced from reality. After we get a more sanitary Internet...