Recent content by baov

  1. B

    Wii Vitality Sensor Appearing in New Zelda?

    I see people doping themselves with anxiolitic drugs to cheat the game.
  2. B

    School Confirms Ability to Control Student Webcams

    This is full of shit. If the laptop wasn't paid for by this student, and they knew who was late on his payment, why did they need to turn the camera on to see?
  3. B

    Gold-Plated Camera Costs $30,000

    30000$ may seem much but that Leica with the lens normally would fetch 10000$ on it's own without all the gold and stuff.
  4. B

    Games Are "Permitting" Virtual War Crimes

    Everyday, I fantasize about shooting innocent civilians, raping women and children, demolishing churches and villages, eat dead burned bodies. But that's okay, i'm not a bad person, it's just a game.
  5. B

    Tech Myths: CD Chills and Phone Thrills

    0 and 1, but timing: jitter. Also, your headphones are crap.
  6. B

    Tech Myths: CD Chills and Phone Thrills

    Jitter. Also, your headphones are crap.
  7. B

    Nasa Says ISS Coming Down in 2016

    that's 4 years after the end of the world!
  8. B

    China Blocks Internet in Urumqi

    You mean fascism.
  9. B

    Doom Resurrection Heading to iPhone/Touch

    afrobaconMars? Phobos?
  10. B

    Military's Multiple Kill Vehicle is Dead

    Retro-rockets? How about just a blimp?
  11. B

    Oddly Enough: Amazon Supplier Abandons Warehouse

    Is the picture related? They just unorderly tore down the place!
  12. B

    Florida Dog Cloned for $155,000

    nekatrevenmight as well have spent the money on a robot version. At least you can load up a robot with it's old memory.
  13. B

    Sony says PS3 Intentionally Hard for Developers

    So they are saying, "the hardware is all there but we want to make money for longer so we throw shit in the way so that devellopers will only discover how to make good use of it after many years of putting out crap instead of just making good games right away, just so we can give the user the...