Recent content by bcrichster

  1. bcrichster

    Question rooting a galaxy a51

    Actually most of the Motorola G series are bootloader unlockable for Root purposes, just the Carrier devices have some waiting period before unlock process. As for custom ROMs and such, most of their 2021-2023 devices have options.
  2. bcrichster

    Question rooting a galaxy a51

    As for phone options and customization capability, get a Factory unlocked Motorola from Best Buy/Amazon or a Metro/T-Mo device.. they have 50MP back cameras, 13+MP selfies, and custom ROMs usually available after 6mo post debut
  3. bcrichster

    Question rooting a galaxy a51

    Ok.. if you're trying to view thumbnails from the phone storage, all you'll get are the icons instead. I believe it's related to the device security encryption or storage data. When you manually move said files to the PC, the actual thumbnails should appear once opened from folder on PC unless...
  4. bcrichster


    /e/OS isn't that open source, unfortunately. Some apps/frameworks are actually proprietary and therefore source code can't be totally observed. You're better off with BlissROMs and LineageOS, plus they are much more functional and the official ROMs are usually bug free. Also /e/ doesn't have any...
  5. bcrichster

    Question rooting a galaxy a51

    TracPhones ARE a Verizon MVNO.. that means locked bootloaders = not Root capable, so sorry
  6. bcrichster

    I switched from Verizon to T-Mobile — and it’s been a total disaster so far

    I do occasional Android Development for BlissROMs , Drove for Uber, active member in Waze, Etc. My experience with the Carriers is that VZW has great coverage indeed, but their devices are trash. Straight up, including any of their branded iPhones or even the Google Pixels that are MEANT for...