Recent content by beruli

  1. beruli

    AT&T Acquiring Remaining Alltel Assets for $780 Million

    Really "Cold hard hash", financed with drug money, now it all makes sense. I always wondered how these big companies got to keep all these customers with crappy contracts, they had them addicted to hash. THOSE BASTARDS.
  2. beruli

    New Simon Cowell Reality Show to Find Next Bill Gates

    @seels, Steve jobs was a genius at what? Everything he supposedly invented was already invented by someone else years before.
  3. beruli

    Ben Heck Creates a Minority Report Xbox Controller Glove

    Me want. Companies like Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo should be taking note of this. Either that, give the man bucket loads of money to really see what he can do.
  4. beruli

    Microsoft Just Bought 800+ Patents from AOL

    I wonder who is going to sue them for patent infringement.
  5. beruli

    Nokia Still Beats Apple Easily in the Mobile Browsing Market

    It also shows that apple had the largest decrease out of all of them and is hardly flat. Also, anyone know who the unknown is on the chart, looks like an increase of about 12% in 1 month?
  6. beruli

    User's Facebook Data Request Produces 1222 Pg PDF on CD

    Does this really surprise you?
  7. beruli

    VIDEO: Michael Bay's Transformers 3 Trailer

    It might be a bad movie, but it will still make $750 million and I for one will go see this bad movie just because it is TRANSFORMERS.