Recent content by blobos

  1. B

    Report: RIM's New BlackBerrys to Run Android Apps

    It all comes down to preference for how you want to type. But virtual keyboard typing on the phone does have the fastest typing record. Fanboys are the worst, rim or apple. Back to the article, I don't see why they shouldn't just drop QNX.
  2. B

    Samsung Cites Sci-Fi Movies, TV in Apple Tablet Defence

    I don't get it, there were plenty of other tablets before iPad came out, why does it seem like people think Apple made the first tablet?
  3. B

    Samsung Cites Sci-Fi Movies, TV in Apple Tablet Defence

    I don't get it, there were plenty of other tablets before iPad came out, why does it seem like people think Apple made the first tablet?
  4. B

    Samsung Cites Sci-Fi Movies, TV in Apple Tablet Defence

    I don't get it, there were plenty of other tablets before iPad came out, why does it seem like people think Apple made the first tablet?