Recent content by blootvoet

  1. blootvoet

    Question Those of you with expensive smart phones, do they last?

    All people don't have the means to be as comfortable as you seem to be. It seems as if the bulk of the global population, and how we survive, will never be understood by a few privileged ones. Both my "very smartphones" were gifts as I am disabled because of disability arising from a career...
  2. blootvoet

    Question Those of you with expensive smart phones, do they last?

    It is less hurtful when you are disabled and a cheap phone fails; but my cheap ones never failed and the pukka smartphones all did, so i disgaree with you, based not on opinion but hard experience.
  3. blootvoet

    Question Those of you with expensive smart phones, do they last?

    Chips don't become slower or weaker but the operating system and other software become bloated, taking more processing power and that is why devices slow down. It is true that batteries lose capacity but this has very little effect on lower capacity phones.
  4. blootvoet

    Question Those of you with expensive smart phones, do they last?

    When my iPhone5 was brand new, it's power button failed within days and it took Apple five weeks to fix it. My $35 Alcatal One Touch Pop 2 was a way better phone and also a great mifi hotspot. I sold the iPhone. I now have an octa core metal bodied paper weight with a permanently black...
  5. blootvoet

    News iPhone 12 falls way behind Android phones in this major test

    I had an iPhone 5 and Apple broke it through an update to iOS 7.04, I think. I now had a Samsung Galaxy S7 32GB and its screen first ghosted, then died and became black. A latent Samsung defect conveniently overlooked by its Mama. Between the two, the iPhone was better and, considering the...