Yeah, yeah, no surprise. If your spouse turns up missing, the police always have pointed questions at the ready that could not have been thought up without access to your phone, which is always the first thing they confiscate, warranted or not.
N (the game) should have been on this list. It gets maddeningly difficult quickly, but it is addictive. Go try it:
Don't do it! At minimum, have your account transferred to a relative you trust. I got stuck away in the state mental hospital, where they are perpetually stuck in 1982 so there is no internet, by my employer (I worked for the state government) for 6 months. You never know what curve balls...
Be sure to disable bitdefender's autodelete before running the scan. BD tends to produce more false positives than most, and there's nothing more annoying than finding a program or system drive no longer works right because some file is missing.