Recent content by buckinbottoms

  1. B

    Tech For All Types: Holiday Gift Guide

    Completely overshadowed the products..... nice job ladies! :P
  2. B

    MasterCard Hit by DDoS in WikiLeaks Revenge

    Pfff, Gov should shut down 4chan next. Worst statement ever by a group.. wooo we took down an insignificant website that had practically no functional impact on a company. woot...? (snooze fest)
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    MasterCard Hit by DDoS in WikiLeaks Revenge

    dey tuk ur webzyt! boring
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    Fox Now Blocking Google TV Too

    So.... we have no idea if Fox actually blocked the content or not. Its just a wild assumption at this point...
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    Best Buy Threatens Priest's ''God Squad'' Car

    V8VENOMAbsolutely wrong wanna-be legal advisor. Sorry but you are wrong. I have a company that is similarly named as two other companies. One tried to sue and failed. We are in different industries and the legal grounds were found baseless. In reality there are millions of businesses out...
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    Building Russia's Silicon Valley

    You can't just demand a Silicon Valley, lol. You have to create the atmosphere of freedom and entrepreneurship that develops into a place for success. Russia still lacks this.
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    The 4 Major Issues Plaguing the iPhone 4 Today

    I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. (iZombie)
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    Oprah Has a 'Fancy' 4G Phone That You Can't Have

    did someone actually cam an oprah episode?
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    Automatic Knitting Powered by the Wind

    Looking at the youtube video makes it painfully obvious that it isn't an ideal design. The knitting portion needs to be inside. any rain would make the product worthless, not to mention a strong wind blowing the yarn tube into the blades and... well... start over. It just needs an extension...
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    Are Phone Manufacturers ''Abandoning'' Android?

    trumped up non-story. Carriers love Android because its free and it helps their bottom line. What sort of garbage story is this?
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    How Our Favorite Websites Look on the iPad

    Been noticing a lot of comments disappearing. Readers here are getting a little tired of the iPad reviews and their comments are being removed when expressed. Nvidia articles disappearing. Turning into a damn Gestapo around here.
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    Toyota Drivers Say 'Fixed' Cars Still Accelerating

    thejester420I don't know why people are compelled to stand by this boring, lame automaker who make ugly, soul-less, zero fun to drive cars, Toyota has been making mundane cars for over a decade now, I hope they disappear off the face of the earth, no more Supra, no more Celica, no more MR2...
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    VOTW: Guy Wears 3G Map on Head to AT&T Store

    People in Nashville are great. Probably get the police called on you anywhere else. Notice how no one sounds like a hick like you see on all the news coverages. It always peeves me they intentionally pick the people with the most hick voices to interview on TV.