Recent content by Captaingadget

  1. C

    Solved! Which of these gaming laptops?

    The main difference I can see is the HP one has a regular (but larger)1TB hard drive, the Acer one has a much smaller 256GB solid state hard drive, which will give much faster boot into windows, but is more expensive in terms of GB per $. So the question is are you going to need lots of storage...
  2. C

    Does RX 580 has heat issues?

    I had an ASUS Dual X RX480 which was very similar to the Sapphire Nitro and I never had any issues with it running hot, I don't think it ever went over mid to late 60s even under stress testing. Only got hot when I overclocked it.
  3. C

    Should i upgrade or VR?

    I think you're gonna struggle with a 3GB 1060 on VR, usual recommendation is a GTX1070 or higher.
  4. C

    Difference between ASUS ROG and a "regular ASUS"

    If it's between those two get the ASUS gaming one, it has a better GPU and more RAM. ROG is just a pretty label when you're buying a full system. If it was an individual component such as a motherboard or GPU then the ASUS ROG products tend to be slightly higher spec than the normal ASUS...