Recent content by Clement_3

  1. C

    I think my Laptop is underperforming

    hey sorry for the late reply, just got back home. how do i activate the dual core tubo thing? and yeah, i tried the techpowerup app and then i run dota 2 the maximum temp is 92 C and the clock speed is about 1995.38 MHz when the temp hits 90C the clock speed then goes up to 2070-2135 MHz when...
  2. C

    I think my Laptop is underperforming

    i think so too, oh well. i've been thinking maybe i should format my laptop and see if theres any changes to the laptop performance, but im just too lazy to do it. anyway, thanks a lot for the help bro ;)
  3. C

    I think my Laptop is underperforming

    My laptop is Dell Inspiron 14 5447 the Gpu is AMD R7 M260 2GB CPU is intel core i7-4510 @ 2.00 ghz RAM 8 GB and when i play dota (graphic is low), the fps didnt even reach 60, i usually get around 30 fps, and sometimes 10-20. and i tried to play tree of savior and the fps is around 15-20...