Recent content by cybnetic

  1. C

    Homeland Backs Suspicious Activity Reporting iOS, Android App

    Here we are people, living in terrorism of sedition witch hunting. no rights anymore
  2. C

    Verizon Finally Killing Unlimited Data For Existing Subscribers

    its time for everyone to start going to "other" carriers. I have been on boost for 4 years . 45 bucks a month. no contracts unlimited everything. did you hear that! drop all these sorry carriers. verizon, att, etc etc. tell them to kiss your ass goodbye and dont be bullied by "fees" and...
  3. C

    MegaUpload Shut Down Because of Megabox Jukebox Service?

    Its only good time when the artists can do what they want with their music. time for change is near. goodbye music industry!!!
  4. C

    SOPA Not Even Passed and Work-Around is Already Available

    time for change permanently
  5. C

    700,000 Android Devices Activated Every Single Day

    Not likeing the way the apps are cataloging your every move and phone calls... anyone botheredby this. why are apps capturing your every move on the phone and data calls????? I am deleting every app i do not need and wont download anything unitl this issue is fixing permanently STOP ALL THIS...
  6. C

    Kepler Delivers Confirmation of Extrasolar Earth-Sized Planets

    there are shadows out there....
  7. C

    Amazon Supports Internet Sales Tax (What the...?)

    If there is a internet tax then I will not buy online anymore. that's the whole idea is not paying more money or taxes. I am tired of paying to the government for nothing. of course the mainstream will take it up the ass and still shop. someone has to take a stand so I guess its me.
  8. C

    Anonymous Threatens to "Destroy" Facebook in November

    this is just the cover. Next will be the insurance companies, credit databases, banks!! these are some of the worst offenders. I can go on and on. its time for people to start taking back their live and data. All these institutions and governments database you without your permission. revolution...