Recent content by Dannypwnsall

  1. D

    Next Anonymous Target is Wall Street, But Not Online

    Soo, does anybody know a good company that makes police riot gear? I would like to invest a few g's into one. If this actually happens I'll make a fortune.
  2. D

    10-Year-Old Girl Reveals Exploit in Android, iOS Game

    Some day people will realize many of the best ideas for inventions or hacks come from Children. They don't follow the same laws of thinking as most adults do. And many of good inventors think of solutions as a child might, finding stupid yet easy things to come up with.
  3. D

    Bethesda Shows Skyrim to the Public, Announces CE

    azoneThe game looks like it will take years to beat I sincerely hope it does. My gf might not be getting much more than a $20 gift card between this, battlefield 3, and a few books coming out this holiday season.
  4. D

    Paygr: Market Yourself, Get Paid

    This should be a great for amateur and part time computer geeks(us) to get a little extra moneys. I personally would like to be able to market some of my CAD/3D modeling and make a bit of side money.
  5. D

    Microsoft: There WILL Be A Halo Movie

    I think they should have the entire movie CG. And have Blur Studios(The people who did the nfl animation, aswell as the Halo Wars cutscenes) do the movie. They are absolutely incredible.
  6. D

    Bungie Looking for Beta Testers

    Because Bungie only releases console games, right? Almost all of Bungies games have been on PC. The only ones that weren't i believe were the most recent four Halo titles.(3, reach, odst, wars) Props to Bungie for going to the public though. Who better to test things than consumers themselves?
  7. D

    Don't Attempt to Play Kinect Games Before Nov. 4

    So many Microsoft haters on these forums now. Its pretty pathetic how an attempt to stop people from playing a game illegally creates so much hatred.