Recent content by dave_in_cincy

  1. D

    16GB HP TouchPads Selling for Up to $325 on eBay

    2011-08-25 Back to simply: Out of Stock (without the "Please check back soon") ...on HP's shopping site now. Oh well, time to move on...
  2. D

    16GB HP TouchPads Selling for Up to $325 on eBay

    I've been checking HP's shopping cart since this began. Today's status on the 32GB TouchPad shows as: Coming soon Please check back soon Could have sworn it used to say: Out of Stock Please check back soon If so, perhaps a major retailer is returning unsold stock to HP and there may be a...
  3. D

    16GB HP TouchPads Selling for Up to $325 on eBay

    I was close to buying a small laptop with rotating display (tablet format) when the Fire Sale was announced. At $150, I'm a buyer for a 32GB HP TouchPad. In fact, I'd take a pair at that price (one for my wife, one for me). Any more than that (plus tax), and I'll go back to Plan A. I give...