Recent content by detroitwillfall

  1. detroitwillfall

    what is a good malware/virus clean up program for windows 10

    i use the top 2 mentioned^^, avast on demand, only use 3 main shields; deselect all the other crap with customized install, then mwb 1x a week non on demand(if free this is default)
  2. detroitwillfall

    Best headphones under 50$

    honostly, i got alot of crap on here for the ones i get under $30 but the've worked for over a year now and love them.
  3. detroitwillfall

    Good Anitvirus choices?

    avast free, only install the main 3 protections and make sure you choose customize to deselect all the other features u dont want. then i use malwarebytes free (not on demand) for general once a week cleaning.
  4. detroitwillfall

    LF: Laptop under $200

    Im going to be dedicating the laptop soley for linux. was on newegg looking at a few of these I like the i5's, was wondering what you guys thought? best bang...
  5. detroitwillfall

    Help me find my laptop for school!

    im starting net+/ server administration class this january and I would like to find a nice quad core laptop, windows 8.1 OS. UNDER: $500 my preference: priority -------- quad core 2-4gb ram ssd
  6. detroitwillfall

    Help configuring Nod32 AV 8 w/ Comodo Firewall?

    im currently using free versions of nod and comodo and was wondering which features/execeptions do i need to configure to not conflict comodo with eset?