Recent content by DinkyDogg

  1. DinkyDogg

    Audio File Converting

    im trying to keep in mind that i can just burn a disc and put them in a car stereo or home theatre, and i just read that new ones are using AAC format, is that what would be the new great format?
  2. DinkyDogg

    Audio File Converting

    standard disc quality ripped songs, and some ones downloaded at 192 bit i tihnk
  3. DinkyDogg

    Audio File Converting

    I was wondering what program or format i should save audio files as for best quality. Ive just been using Goldwave to convert them to 48k sample rate and a 320k bit rate in .mp3 format. Recently, my friend said he used Nero to digitise his songs (i thought was wierd), but non the less it...