Recent content by ehenry818

  1. E

    Microsoft Exec: Windows Phone Outselling iPhone in China

    I have not used a windows phone, so I am not sure about the overall experience. If windows phone is doing well and has a good amount of apps, why doesn't MS use that as its tablet platform? MS has tried for years to produce a decent tablet and phone. Why not keep the 2 markets separate? I...
  2. E

    S. Carolina to Craigslist: Ditch the Smut And Sluts

    Hilton Head (yes, that's a real city) OK are you kidding me? Why would you need to put it's a real city? Hilton head is a well known area, especailly for golf. Are people here that perverted that they would think otherwise.....
  3. E

    Internet an "Unreliable Toy" by 2012

    I guess this will be as bad as Y2K. I guess we will all have too 2012 proof our computers. I will create 2012 protection software so on Janury 1st 2013 at midnight you computer will start going "Dumb A** Dumb A**
  4. E

    No Kidding: Google Hires Goats to Mow, Fertilize Lawn

    It's the new outsourcing... Whats next..Dogs running wall street...
  5. E

    Google Sued Over Android Brand

    Hmmm My first name starts with the letter E, I am gonna start a virtaul mail company that I shall call Emial... Google has all this money why not get more creative with names? Android sounds kinda stupid if you ask me. Why not anihalator or oogle, hmm I kinda like G-Droid... And all you...
  6. E

    Report: Verizon to Get Apple iPhone Lite, Tablet

    get the iDildo out your iAnus Wow how long did it take you to come up with that. Another intelligent comment from the ipanel of itards. Go drive your hybrid back to startbucks, and drink your overpriced toliet water, and sit with your other itard buddies and talk about how great your 30,000...
  7. E

    Report: Verizon to Get Apple iPhone Lite, Tablet

    For anyone who is not sure what an itard is click on the following link for a description My favorite explination is: One who continues to purchase items such as the ipod, and will be purchasing future items such as the iphone because they...
  8. E

    Report: Verizon to Get Apple iPhone Lite, Tablet

    There's an apple in my butt ----------------------------- Thank you for that comic relief. Made my day. This makes me wonder. The article a few days ago said the do not want to make a crap machine for the netbook market. So how are they going to make a "Tablet" that will not cost an arm and...
  9. E

    KBB's Top Ten Greenest Cars Mostly Hybrids

    What no smart car??? Ohh wait for being a tiny sized wanna be car that can only fit 2 people, it gets an amazing 36mpg. For something that small you would think it would get twice as much. My wife has an 08 nissan sentra. She does mostly city driving. She gets 31-32mpg. When driving on both...
  10. E

    Pentagon Hacked, But Joint Strike Fighter Safe

    Someone was paid off to let the hackers in. Or our government outsorced the IT support to China to save some money...
  11. E

    FBI Does Dallas... Data Center Investigation

    It is not profit if they pay their bills. Calling it profit is rediculous. ------------------------------------------------------------ Hmmm lets see they used fake info credit, I am assuming credit cards and the paid more for the service with the fake info, and turn around a sold it at 1cent...
  12. E

    Nintendo Wii Manufacturing Costs Down 45%

    Nintendo has been targeting more groups of people who may not be the typical video game player. They have the brain games on nintendo DS for older people to help them keep thinking. They are kind of becoming a MS type of comapny where they try to appeal to everyone. Where the PS3 is becoming...