Recent content by Eroge

  1. Eroge

    Recording Gameplay

    I play a few PC games and use fraps to record some videos at 1920x1080 resolution. Once I'm done recording, the file size is always massive and uncompressed. What program could I use to easily compress it without messing up the quality of the video? A tutorial or something would be real helpful...
  2. Eroge

    New Laptop: Driver Updates

    Still looking for an answer to my question above. =(
  3. Eroge

    New Laptop: Driver Updates

    So if I end up buying a Compaq, would I be wanting to go to the Compaq site for updated drivers, or would I have to look up each piece of hardware separately, Mother Board, graphics chip, network card (Is the network card covered with MoBo driver in a laptop?) and go to their manufactures sites...
  4. Eroge

    Which Laptop ?

    I want to know the formula for figuring out which graphic cards can handle which games because alls I ever see online is people guessing. Someone IRL tried to make me believe that their computer: AMD athlon X2 4000, 1GB RAM, 8500 GT could play Crysis on High settings without lag. He also said...
  5. Eroge

    New Laptop: Driver Updates

    I'll be buying a laptop in a couple of weeks and I want to be prepared to take care off it well. Out of the box, it should run fine, but I'm wondering if most people manually seek out and update the Motherboard chipset, graphics, sound, (any other?) drivers? If so, before or after I run...
  6. Eroge

    Choosing a laptop for college.

    Wow damnit, I just read the whole OP with the biggest WTF look on my face until I then realized someone bumped a 3 year old thread! I was thinking, where is he finding a $2000-$3000 laptop with a Core Duo, 2GB RAM, and a 7600GT. After reading " Merom is supposed to be coming out in August," I...