Recent content by FlyingHelmet-1373206

  1. FlyingHelmet-1373206

    Best computer microphone under $10

    At that price point there won't be much of a difference
  2. FlyingHelmet-1373206

    is slim laptops are good for gaming??

    Either of these will be good: Alienware 14: Sager:
  3. FlyingHelmet-1373206

    How To Unlock Amd Sempron (140)

    Why do you want to unlock such a low-end CPU?
  4. FlyingHelmet-1373206

    Looking for a gaming laptop

    well gaming on laptops is cool but not yet practical so none of them will run games completely fluently.
  5. FlyingHelmet-1373206

    Is this Laptop good for gaming

    Gaming on laptops is cool, but not yet practical.