Recent content by Gartix

  1. Gartix

    Notebook Dell from 2011 VS some 2017 [censored] laptop? :)

    Hi guys,my GF is crying about new laptop,so I check some around 300 eur,but really,this performance what you can find in this pricetag is more as sad :) so I was thinking about Dell Latitude E6320 UMTS W10Pro, but thats actually from year 2011,but I can still buy it like rebuilded (not sure...
  2. Gartix

    How I can change the size of icons and texts and -just all- in Adobe Photoshop CC?

    Hi guys. I had a small,and its very small icons and everything in photoshop CC,whole other programs and windows (10 PRO 64 bit) its just fine,just when I open photoshop the icons and everything its that small that you almost cannot target the icons,and work with this just really sucks...I...