Recent content by genghiskhanid

  1. G

    Ubuntu 10.04 LTS DE Offers Music Store, More

    Can't wait for some benchmarks against other major os for apps. Let's say i'm linux-curious but still not ready to get out of the closet.
  2. G

    Google Brings Back Goats as Grass Mowers

    What about the carbon footprint of trucking the lawnmowers in every week?
  3. G

    Ghost Recon Movie in the Works by Oscar Winners

    And there is still hunger in the world...
  4. G

    Will Wright: Wii Belongs in "Toy Department"

    Aren't consoles toys? I mean this person might have been in the industry for a while but imo all video game consoles are toys, meant to entertain me, but I still PLAY them.
  5. G

    Avatar Becomes Most Succesful Film Ever Made

    I'd like to see the source for "gone with the wind", I doubt that they would've sold more tickets at a time when the US population was at least 50% of what it is today.