Recent content by groveborn

  1. G

    Kim Dotcom Teaches How to Stop Piracy in 5 Steps

    I spent about 10 bucks on Terraria. I have played hundreds of hours on it... It continues to amuse me. I think that was a fine purchase. I also spent 30 on X2-The Threat. I spent many, many hours on that. I was quite happy with it. I think perhaps people are thinking that they shouldn't have...
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    Movie Studios Accused of Engaging in Illegal Filesharing

    asd123_38Why comment when you don't even have a comment. Getting tired of seeing "This". Welcome to a nation of free speech. People just don't give a shit about what you like.
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    Scientist Builds Self-Filling Water Bottle

    I had a similar idea a decade ago, though it involved a small dehumidifier. Oh well.
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    Amazon Lockers Coming to U.S. Staples Locations

    rosen380What would be extra neat is if the item is something that Staples carries, some arrangement for them to move one of their items from stock into the locker and then replace it with the item when it comes in from Amazon.Amazon could save a little by using a slower shipping method and the...
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    Report: Amazon Wipes Woman's Kindle Without Explanation

    Whether they got it right or wrong, it doesn't matter. Nobody has the right to take back what they've sold you. Amazon doesn't control distribution rights after the product is sold. They can't choose to maintain those rights even if you agree to the terms. Once a product is sold, it belongs...
  6. G

    Google Receives Several Patents For Google Glasses

    What about sound amplification? Shouldn't we be able to pickup sounds that we normally wouldn't be able to? I want to be able to spy on anyone :D. Also, Star Trek may have copyright ability, but not patent ability. They didn't develop a system, merely a story. A good story, but a story nonetheless.
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    Facebook is Mass Surveillance, Says Free Software Founder

    house70I agree with his ideas, in general; however, he needs to put these in a more organized way, work a bit on his grammar, and do something about that look, 'cause...damn.He must work on his credibility on every aspect, not only on his ideology. This is an audio-visual era we live in, for...
  8. G

    MegaUpload Shut Down Because of Megabox Jukebox Service?

    I am amazed at how people still use traditional services such as RIAA. Why bother, when you can go straight to the distributors? Same with movies. Why go through a studio, if you've already got the capitol to make the movie, just sell online. Perhaps it'd be good if there were an easy way to get...
  9. G

    NYPD Creating Mobile Street Scanners for Concealed Weapons

    Just because this is designed to illegally search people to see if they're armed, it doesn't mean it won't also be used to illegally look at your naked body. Perhaps it'll also be used to illegally search you for things that unscrupulous people will want to steal from you. Such people can also...
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    Microsoft Pushing WA State to Legalize Gay Marriage

    Should gays be allowed to marry? What is marriage besides a contract. Gays seem to be able to make other contracts. The real question then, is why are they not permitted this contract? The "bible" says homosexuality is wrong. Sure it does. The only problem is that it also says that one should...
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    Scientists Create Self-Healing Electronics

    Adamantium is Latin for diamond. Diamonds aren't conductive unless they've been doped.
  12. G

    Facebook Releases Messenger Client for Windows 7

    Pidgin and Adium already allows this. They have for years.
  13. G

    Sprint Selling iPhone 5 with Unlimited Data in October

    I love my Iphone, but I hate AT&T. I imagine this would be true of Verizon users. I would also imagine this will soon be true for Sprint users. Start there, let's make them all allow you to unlock your phone without hacking...
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    Judge Banning ''John Doe'' File-Sharing Lawsuits

    zachary kGreat, IP addresses just became a powerful alias. Heres to thieves and criminals getting away with more crap. Don't worry, the police have other resources. This is just for lawsuits.
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    Dell Staff Arrested Over 'Gunman' Publicity Stunt

    dawolf74@wawa sxmYou sir obviously know nothing about guns. Also, another good reason could be that Mexico is much richer then the US in natural resources but the standard of living is quite lower due to government corruption.Nice that a racist jerk like you would imply that the only reason a...