Recent content by heavyartillary9

  1. heavyartillary9

    Pc vs Laptop Gaming

    no, the note book is beter in every way for specs on that build!
  2. heavyartillary9

    Buy, Build, help needed on spec

    wait, so you need a laptop ? you cant build your own laptop
  3. heavyartillary9

    Buy, Build, help needed on spec

    pre builts are always WAY over priced, you will always be better off building yourself, and you should not need an i7 for basic using as you do, most gamers don't even need an i7 whats a rough budget your looking for, and do you have to move it around a lot ?
  4. heavyartillary9

    Hello is 128GB ssd on a laptop enough?

    well, the choice is yours. storage is gonna be tight on the 128gb ssd
  5. heavyartillary9

    Hello is 128GB ssd on a laptop enough?

    ah, I'm not sure if that's a good deal in your country to be honest, but I would go with the hp15 instead
  6. heavyartillary9

    Hello is 128GB ssd on a laptop enough?

    that would be soooooo slow, it would b like using a flash drive as a hard drive
  7. heavyartillary9

    Hello is 128GB ssd on a laptop enough?

    why hp only ? most hp laptops are overpriced :(
  8. heavyartillary9

    Hello is 128GB ssd on a laptop enough?

    you would probably be better off getting a laptop with a regular hdd then upgrading it to an ssd if you wanted to
  9. heavyartillary9

    Hello is 128GB ssd on a laptop enough?

    no, 128gb ssd = 128gb hdd. the ssd is just much much faster
  10. heavyartillary9

    Hello is 128GB ssd on a laptop enough?

    wel it depends, I have a laptop with 1000gb of storage on it, but I'm only using about 175gb. but I have a lot of games and a few big programs on it, so 128 might be enough, but its cutting it close
  11. heavyartillary9

    My Toshiba Satellite is typing kkkkk withoutkk mekkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkktouching a key! Help! What can I do? This just startekd

    well first, is it a mechanical keyboard, one of those low travel ones, or just a normal one ?
  12. heavyartillary9

    Good Used Macbook?

    600 will get you high end 2012, but mid end is all you need, and mid end costs around 300-400, so it depends if you want to shell out the extra cash for the high end!
  13. heavyartillary9

    Good Used Macbook?

    oh, then you could easily get aomthing newer then 2012, if all your doing is web browsing ms word, and some wow and lol, a mid range 2012 would be plenty
  14. heavyartillary9

    Good Used Macbook?

    cause for low to mid 2012 macbooks your looking at 300-400