Recent content by hymegirl

  1. H

    Find my ideal laptop

    Best answer selected by hymegirl.
  2. H

    Find my ideal laptop

    Well, my parents & my sister have WiFi at their homes, so taking the broadband adapter out of the equation, what would be your suggestion?
  3. H

    Find my ideal laptop

    I don't really want to go over $500. And, I don't have a clue what programs to get. Sorry, I'm really clueless. I want to design flyers & programs for events at the school mostly. And ne able to let the kids watch a Dvd if we go on a trip. Also, keep spreadsheets of our home finances. We live...
  4. H

    Find my ideal laptop

    I need a laptop. I am a "PTO Soccer/Baseball Mom" with a full time job. I want photo storage, word processing, and some other design programs (not sure yet). Also, WiFi capability. HELP!