Recent content by jimoreon

  1. J

    Sony "Confident" PlayStation 4 to Arrive Before Xbox 720

    each one (xbox and PS) have their own fans, its worth to wait
  2. J

    VISA, MasterCard Reporting a "Massive" Breach

    its kinda nightmare for every visa and mastercard holders
  3. J

    iPhone Outsells BlackBerry in RIM's Home Country

    we can say that iPhone outsells BlackBerry, but this not the end for RIM, as you keep innovative for the next following years, you still got your loyal customers :)
  4. J

    U Grok It Finds Your Misplaced Items Using RFID Tags

    galeciofamily0405But what if you misplaced your U Grok It? then i should call my dog LOL
  5. J

    Congressmen Want Warning Labels on All Games

    wmalinowskiMaybe we warning label on congressmen for stupidity...... haha, congressmen should read your comment LOL
  6. J

    Nokia Developing "Revolutionary" Phone to Shame iPhone

    something called 'revolutionary thing' is mandatory action, if not, nokia will suffering for the next year to come
  7. J

    NEC LED Ceiling Light with Integrated Speaker is a Great Idea

    joytech22Oooooh I want! When they come out I hope it isn't at some stupid price of like $1000 per light though. Agree.... never seen like this before, great idea, hope the price would be clever