Recent content by killerclick

  1. K

    Italian Seductresses Blackmail Men in Skype Sex Scam

    Age of consent is 14 in a bunch of countries, including Austria, Germany and Italy. In Spain, Argentina, Japan and South Korea it's 13. In practice though, there are several ways to prosecute people who take advantage of someone's youth to have sex with them even if they're over the age of...
  2. K

    Google Glass May Greet You on Your Next Flight

    While I realize I'm not the owner of photons bouncing off of my face, I will probably not frequent businesses and socialize with people who use these devices. It's just as rude as someone holding a phone in front of their face and recording everything.However, if they came out with a device that...
  3. K

    Dating-Site Data Breach Dumps 42 Million Plain-Text Passwords

    Tsk tsk Tom's. Salts should not be secret and are not supposed to be sitewide, but unique to each username.
  4. K

    'Call of Duty: Ghosts' Review Roundup

    Cookie cutter shooters. Like those EA sports games. In my opinion, currently the best PC shooter is Arma3, what you can do with its scripting language is amazing.
  5. K

    Why Aren't Horror Games like 'Resident Evil' Scary Anymore?

    The scariest game moment for me - Shalebridge orphanage in Thief Deadly Shadows.
  6. K

    Backing Up Android Means Giving Google Passwords

    The best thing would be if we had some open source (and heavily vetted) software that could do the encryption (with 512 bit keys or whatever) locally and then just back up the encrypted results to cloud storage where they Google can print them on a billboard if they like.
  7. K

    7 Tech Features Nobody Wanted

    I love it when some boardroom inspired hype bombs. Another item for this list: 3D that they've been trying to bring back every two decades since the 1950s.
  8. K

    Microsoft Now Owns 'Xbone' Domain Name

    It's going to be called Xbone. Deal with it, Microsoft
  9. K

    British Intelligence Placed Undercover Operatives in Tech Companies

    If I find a rat in my company, I'll be taking them on a one way trip to the basement incinerator. Which reminds me: check with maintenance if we have a basement incinerator.
  10. K

    Silent Circle Follows Lavabit, Shuts Down Secure Email Service

    Do not rely on commercial services to protect your privacy from the government. The goal of any company is to make money, and since they have to operate within a legal framework, and they will either cooperate with the government or fold (usually the former). The safest thing is to do...
  11. K

    IE 11 Heading to Windows 7 Too, Says MSFT

    Really? They're not going to make their new browser exclusive to a sub 5% market share failed operating system? They're such visionaries!
  12. K

    Teenage Girl Wins Coding Contest with Anti-Spoiler Program

    Her brother or boyfriend probably helped her. I've been a programmer for 10 years and I don't know even one girl who can code worth a damn. If I get a CV from a girl, I just look her up on Facebook to see if she's hot.
  13. K

    Schmidt: Talking To Google Glass Can Be a Little Weird

    I'm just interested in wearable displays. Instead of having a smartphone, and a tablet, and a 13" laptop and a multi-monitor desktop, I wish I could only make-do with a smartphone and glasses or whatever that turn my entire field of vision into a display. Integrate motion sensing into it, maybe...
  14. K

    IHS: Sales of Smart Glasses to Hit Almost 10 Million by 2016

    Cool. I'd probably wouldn't use this in public unless/until it gets dramatically more useful, but I'm looking forward to wearable displays replacing all other kinds of displays one day.
  15. K

    IHS: Sales of Smart Glasses to Hit Almost 10 Million by 2016

    Cool. I'd probably wouldn't use this in public unless/until it gets dramatically more useful, but I'm looking forward to wearable displays replacing all other kinds of displays one day.