Recent content by marcellamothe

  1. M

    Need some shopping advice, I'm new to laptops

    Anyone else have any laptops in mind that would be in the under $1500 price range?
  2. M

    Need some shopping advice, I'm new to laptops

    Is the step up from the 4700HQ to the 4800MQ and from the GTX860M to the GTX870M that large of an upgrade? Is it enough of an upgrade to make up for the loss of 4gb of ram? Im comparing your link: With this one: because...
  3. M

    Need some shopping advice, I'm new to laptops

    Alright so I'm moving internationally for the next 5 years and won't be able to have a desktop while I'm gone. I've never really used a laptop for my main computer needs but it needs to happen now. I'm looking to keep it under $1500.00 or at least around there. It's mainly going to be used as...