Recent content by Merciah

  1. Merciah

    Question about; updating a question. For admins or rules lawyers. Thanks.

    I get that bumping isn't allowed. If I am posting a reply to my own thread, but that reply is also an update, as in it is providing more information then the original post, would that be permitted? I get that that response is bumping my post back to the top, but it is also providing new...
  2. Merciah

    Solved! Using IPad for Advertising

    For windows, I know it's easy, you can set up a slideshow of images for your screen saver, there are some apps/programs that you can download for free that even allows you to play video as a screen saver, and to add to that, there are some programs you can download that even allow your desktop...
  3. Merciah

    Solved! What smartphone this year 2021, should I buy to take some good selfies and direct photos?

    Personally, I would recommend the Galaxy S20 FE. From some providers, you can even get it free. The camera on that phone rivals the new iPhone 12, and bonus, you're not buying an Apple product, which is renowned for crappy customer service if something were to go wrong with the phone.