Recent content by mickypheonix

  1. mickypheonix

    Older Toshiba TV Won't Show video when hooked to dvd player

    Hi SuperAngelofdeath69 You may have to make sure you have the correct video input scource selected on your tv or try other video/audio ports if your tv has them
  2. mickypheonix

    Speaker Hiss and Power Supply Buzz Since Moving

    Hi Guywhowouldloveasolutiontoquestionhesasking check all your speaker cables for damage if a positive and negative wire touch this can cause this or dust across speaker terminals
  3. mickypheonix

    DVD player error

    Hi MuJJu Your dvd player may have had it's day , it may be time to replace the drive or purchase an external drive as these are fairly cheap these days
  4. mickypheonix

    Best Antivirus program

    Hi Nate3 This question will open up a can of worms here , everyone's opinions differ as to what they believe is the best antivirus. I suggest you check out any antivirus you are looking at and look for reviews etc. If still undecided all antivirus progs will give you a trial , download a trial...
  5. mickypheonix

    Which SSD (msata) should I get for my laptop?

    sorry omz , changed to msata for your lappy , the samsung you linked isn your other thread is fine and faster than this one
  6. mickypheonix

    Which SSD (msata) should I get for my laptop?

    Hi omz123 my bad msata
  7. mickypheonix

    is this case worth it

    That case is very expensive , a better , cheaper choice would be unable to find it on newegg
  8. mickypheonix

    Headset Siberia Elite very very LOW sound !!!!! HELP!!!

    a sound card will give you better quality audio than your onboard sound , asus xonar and creative x-fi make good internal and external sound cards
  9. mickypheonix

    Video Player: PotPlayer or MPC-HC

    Hi Curious User have you tried vlc player
  10. mickypheonix

    The strangest issue I've encountered.

    Hi TheMagnificentMrDrax have you tried disabling your onboard audio or checked for an open mic
  11. mickypheonix

    Ohms (Ω) (speakers and amp)

    Hi Gershy You should be able too hook up the 4ohm speakers from ebay to your amp , ultimately the sound depends on the quality of the woofers and tweeters within your speakers , the amp sounds good but it doesn't matter how good the amp is if the speakers are crappy the sound will be crappy ...
  12. mickypheonix

    Is normal for my laptop to run crysis 3 so slowly?

    Hi sonny8888 , crysis 3 minimum cpu requirements are fairly high , although you have more than enough ram i believe it is your cpu letting you down at 2.6ghz a higher GHZ cpu would serve you better and increase FPS. That being said you might want to try low settings on crysis 3 and see how you go
  13. mickypheonix

    Upgrading/Replacing the HDD

    you will have to purchase an original copy of windows 7 , an oem version will cost less and be fine for what you want , if then in the futeure if you have to reinstall windows you will be able to do so with the oem version you purchase
  14. mickypheonix

    Upgrading/Replacing the HDD

    either should work for you , just means more work to do fresh install The version of windows may be an tied to the motherboard , so with fresh install you may have to purchase a oem copy of windows unless you already have one
  15. mickypheonix

    My computer has stopped running as fast...

    Hi Rookiv You have a good antivirus there in avg i would also try a malware scan using malwarebytes i find sometimes this picks up a lot that avg does not