Recent content by Moregaze

  1. Moregaze

    Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 4 vs Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 3: They look the same so what are the differences?

    I really can’t take anyone serious when they say anything from Sony has good sound quality. That said the Momentum 3s are amazing but they have a flaw. Where once earwax builds up on the stem, one headphone will become half volume and often be accompanied by a whistle sound infrequently...
  2. Moregaze

    I've never bounced harder off a Bethesda game than Starfield — and the Steam data shows I'm not alone

    It amazes me the amount of fanbois in the comments that defend incomplete, boring, buggy messes just because they can't take off their nostalgia googles for the half hour it takes to realize just like D4 this game is a minimum viable product that does not even compare to any of its competitors...